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Why Use KEGS?

Question? Answer!
Why use KEGS?
Because it is the best value for now
and into the future.

What do these modern energy
generation systems below have in
common with the old Water Wheel?

And why is KEGS different?

They can only utilize their feed stock once!

Once the Sun, Wind or Hydro has shone,
blown, or flowed,
it cannot be used again!

With KEGS through a total new
technical advancement in angular
velocity design the kinetics of the water
can be used multiple times.

Why use KEGS?

Because it can generate
Renewable Energy 24/7!

KEGS: Generate renewable energy on site.
Because the operator of the site can control the energy generation, the energy generated could be exported to the national grid to assist in grid stability, or form part of a microgrid that can fully manage onsite power requirements.
KEGS: can assist with the management of the distribution network when it works in-conjunction with other renewable technologies that are controlled by nature, and they cannot be relied on to supply constant energy.
KEGS could be designed to be the stabilizers in those scenarios.
KEGS: are modular systems which are designed with the latest in generator technology to encapsulate flexibility and design. With the KEGS capabilities systems can be of any size, a few hundred kWh’s or 500megawatts or larger..