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KEGS talk energy generation

Per Hour, not mystical,

possible outputs.


Renewable Energy – Base Load 24/7 – ROI – 24/7

Check out our new page……Solar vs KEGS!

Any weather, night or day, snow or heat, just like coal and gas but 100% RE.

  1.  R&D is still on-going, proof of concept completed, proto completed.

  2.  24/7 100% renewable energy, was thought to be impossible,

  3.  Our testing says it can be achieved.

  4.  24/7 BASE Load looks even closer!

  5.  Why invest in part time renewable energy, like solar, wind and pumped hydro.

  6.  Stand-alone 200Kw per hour, Test rig Power-Station, any weather.

  7.  Modular 100-200KwH base units, combine to construct 1MwH or 500MwH.

  8.  Invest now.